The Importance of Good Insulation

The Importance of Good Insulation

The Importance of Good Insulation

Every home should have good insulation. It is what stands between the inside of the home and the outside world. A lot of people don’t know what insulation is, what it does, and why it is important. Without insulation, the temperature in our homes would go haywire. It slows the heat flow from room to room and it ensures that it is captured in one place so that the house remains a controlled, consistent environment. Insulation prevents uneven temperatures in the home and ensures that homeowners stay warm and cozy in the cold winter months.

It does not matter where you live or the size of your home, heat will always flow from the warmest spot to the coldest and adapt to the coldest place in the house. This is why good insulation is important. You might have experienced a room with cold floors even though the heat has been running the whole day. Poor insulation often causes air leakage which causes the heat to escape and cold air to enter the room.

Insulation might seem a bit costly but there are many options out there that can suit your needs. Homes in Arizona might not need the same type of insulation as homes in Colorado, for example. Here are a few things that emphasize the importance of good insulation.


It saves 75% of the heat in your home

Cold temperatures are easily felt in the morning when you are getting out of bed. Then you still need to get out from under the warm covers and take that horrible trip over cold floors to the kitchen. Good insulation saves 75% of the heat in your home, making it easier for you to get up in the morning and it saves money on your utility bill. Even though it might cost a bit with installation, it will lead to big savings over the longer term.

Carbon Footprint

It reduces your carbon footprint

With the rising concerns over climate change, homeowners are trying to do their best to reduce their carbon footprints. The more energy you consume, the bigger your carbon footprint is. Insulation decreases the amount of energy you consume and it helps you live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Experts have noted that if all U.S homes are fitted with insulation, residential electricity usage would drop by 5%. It might not sound a lot but every little bit makes a difference..

Home Value

It enhances the value of your home

On the point of living eco-friendly, modern homeowners want homes that are self-reliant and off the grid. Having insulation installed will appeal strongly to the younger generation of homeowners. Statistics show that home values rise at an average of $20 for every $1 reduction in electricity bills. When it comes time to sell, the insulation that you installed will pay back tenfold. Even if you are not thinking of selling, it is always a good idea to think ahead and let your home increase in value.

Healthy Workout

It can be beneficial to your health

Colder temperatures have been proven to weaken the immune system, opening it up for illnesses and viruses to take hold of your body. When we step outside, we don’t wear summer dresses or shorts; we put as many layers of clothing on to keep the heat in. So if we do this for the outdoors, why should we be freezing indoors? A warm environment will keep your body at a comfortable level that is not too hot nor too cold, and it will decrease the chances of you getting sick in the winter.

Home Insulation

It comes with a multitude of options

As previously stated, not every home will need the same type of insulation. You might live somewhere where it is cold or chilly throughout the year or you could live somewhere where it only gets colder in the winter. The great thing about insulation is that there are many options to choose from. It does not matter when your house was built, where it is built, how it is built, or how big it is, there is an option that suits your needs. Another benefit of home insulation is that it is usually built in tiers. This means that homeowners avoid massive upfront costs and they gain maximum return on their investments.

Good insulation is an important part of the American home and it is something that homeowners should consider if they don’t already have it. Stop using ridiculous amounts of energy every winter by turning the heat up without feeling a difference. There is a cheaper, more eco-friendly way of being comfortable.

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Why a Pro Cleaner is Important for your Home

Why a Pro Cleaner is Important for your Home

Why a Pro Cleaner is Important for your Home

Cleaning is not for everyone but it is something that has to be done. It is impossible to live in a dirty environment and it can lead to serious health problems. Sometimes a regular vacuuming and dusting off is just not enough. Homes need a lot of TLC which is why a pro cleaner is important for your home. They can get into those hard to reach places on the inside and outside of your house. Here are some of the benefits of hiring a pro cleaner to get your home spic and span.

Cleaning Supplies

1. You don’t have to worry about supplies

Life gets busy and we often forget about small things that end up becoming bigger things. You might have decided to clean the house on a Saturday morning only to find that you have run out of the necessary cleaning supplies. This means that you need to take a trip to the store first before you can start your spring cleaning. Hiring a professional cleaning service will eliminate the need for buying cleaning supplies because they bring their own. Everything is calculated in the rate they charge per day. 

Cleaning Professionals

2. The cleaning is done by professionals

This means that the house is going to be cleaned from top to bottom. The very definition of cleaning changes. When homeowners do their cleaning it is a chore. No one pays you for it and you tend to rush through it, missing all the little nooks and crannies that might need extra attention. A pro cleaner gets paid for cleaning so they are less likely to rush with the process. Their performance is based on your satisfaction and they should take as much time as needed to make your house sparkle again.

Man Cleaning Fridge

3. You only pay for the services you need

The great thing about professional cleaning services is that you can point out the areas that you want them to clean. You might need the entire house to be cleaned from top to bottom or you might only need the bedrooms to be tidied up before guests arrive for the weekend. Whatever the case might be, you will only be charged for the services you need. This is a much cheaper option than buying tons of cleaning supplies and only using it once or twice before it expires.

4. Eliminates germs and bacteria

Many people enter and leave your home throughout the day and as they come in and go back outside, they carry unknown germs and bacteria with them. These germs and bacteria can cause illness and allergies if they are not eradicated. Germs and bacteria need to be removed by a professional cleaner. A deep clean needs to be done now and then to ensure that your family remains healthy. When your house is clean and fresh, it means you feel happier and healthier overall. Regular cleaning also decreases the chances of germs nesting inside your home.
Great Dane

5. Pet smells are reduced

Whether you have cats, dogs, birds, or hamsters, pets can leave a nasty smell in your house. Sometimes it takes hours for the hair to be removed from the couches and no matter how many times you scrub and spray, those odors just won’t go away. A professional cleaning will leave your home smelling amazing and inviting to guests. It eliminates any smells left behind by pets and it does all the hard work for you. Regular cleaning will prevent the smells from returning daily, even if your pets stay inside the house.

6. You have more free time

Lastly, the best gift you can give yourself is a professional home cleaner because it ultimately means that you have more free time. Say goodbye to waking up at the crack of dawn because you want to sweep the carpets and forget about spending your off days cleaning the house only so that your family can dirty it up again when you are done. A professional cleaner will do everything for you and you can comfortably sit back and relax. You can finally do the things you have been putting off because you have an hour or two to spare.

When hiring a professional cleaning service it is important to do as much research as you can. Ask friends for recommendations and check online reviews if it is a company that you are going to work through. Compare quotes and rates to make an informed decision.

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Black Mold In Your Home

Black Mold In Your Home

Black Mold in your Home

Many homeowners find black mold present in their homes but they are unsure of the steps that they need to take upon discovering it. Black mold presents as spotted black, clustered growths and it is usually accompanied by a distinctive odor. It is one of the most toxic molds that can be found in the home because it produces micro toxins which are capable of causing several health problems. It is usually found in rooms like the kitchen, bathroom (around the toilet and shower), and basement. It can spread around the house within 24-48 hours and can cover several square feet within a week.

Black mold typically grows in areas where it is dark and moist. These include areas where there are drywalls, paper products, cardboard, wallpapers, carpets, and ceiling tiles. Black mold forms when these areas get moisture in like in the event of water leakage, lack of proper ventilation, flooding, poor maintenance, clogged up gutters, humid basements, and water accumulation around your home. Black mold spores can also travel in the air by getting attached to people’s skin, clothing, shoes, carpets, and pets. As soon as the spores enter the home and settle on a surface, it can multiply.

Black Mold Health

Black mold health risks

Apart from being an eyesore, black mold can be harmful to your health. It is also known as the invisible killer because it doesn’t grow in places that are exposed to light. The chances are slim that you will notice it if you are not looking out for it. It is also very dangerous because it is difficult to distinguish black mold from other types of mold. You might even think it is mildew on the shower curtain meanwhile it is something far more dangerous.

Black mold is dangerous because it releases toxic spores, as previously stated, and these spores linger in the air. If the spores are inhaled, it can attack the respiratory system which causes respiratory problems. The toxicity of these spores has been proved to be detrimental to human health over the long term. Other health symptoms include eye irritation, fever, chronic headaches, sneezing, rashes, and chronic fatigue. In severe cases, homeowners might experience vomiting, nausea, and asthma. It can further affect the nervous system and the immune system. The body immediately becomes compromised when toxins enter the system.

Mold Symptoms

Who is affected by mold?

If there is black mold present in your home, it is safe to assume that everyone living in the house is affected by it. However, some people are more sensitive to mold and will experience different symptoms simply because of genetic and chemical factors. Age and general health are also factors that need to be considered. Those who are older are more at risk especially if they already have respiratory issues. There have also been documented cases that show how black mold can negatively impact children. Because their immune systems are still developing, it could cause abnormal symptoms upon exposure.


How to Get Rid of Black Mold. Professional Treatment

Treating and preventing black mold

As soon as you notice black mold in your house, you must phone a professional company that can remove it. Mold tests are the best way to detect mold in your house and to determine what the next plan of action is. Before mold starts invading your home, there are a few things that you can do to prevent it from happening:


  • Musty odors are a sign that mold is present somewhere in the house.
  • Windows are especially prone to mold build-up. The first sign of a problem might be condensation on the glass.
  • Clean the kitchen and bathrooms regularly with a bleach solution.
  • Areas, where there are lots of houseplants, are susceptible to mold especially if you overwater them.
  • The ventilation of home appliances should be checked and cleaned regularly.
  • Pay careful attention to areas that have been exposed to recent flooding, water leaks, leaky roofs, and condensation on the walls.
Black Mold Treament

What to do if you have black mold poisoning

There are a few things that you can do if you suspect that you have black mold poisoning. The first thing that you have to do is get away from the contaminated area. You cannot get better if you are continuously exposed to what made you sick. Visit a laboratory and get tests done to determine whether you have been poisoned and consult your doctor on how to treat it. It is important that you act immediately and that you don’t wait for it to get worse.
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6 Benefits of using Solar Energy

6 Benefits of using Solar Energy

6 Benefits of using Solar Energy

More and more homeowners are switching to eco-friendly resources and going off the grid to reduce their carbon footprints. Solar panels have become increasingly popular in the United States as a renewable source of energy. Solar energy is obtained from the sun and it can be converted into electricity or heat. Once solar panels have been installed, the energy is freely available. Thanks to modern technology we can now use even more of the sun’s energy that is available to us. Here are 6 more benefits of using solar energy in your home.

Environmentally Friendly

It is environmentally friendly

Compared to other energy sources, solar energy has the least negative impact on the environment. It does not produce greenhouse gasses and it also does not pollute any water sources. It is low in maintenance and it does not use as many natural resources as other sources to produce energy. Nuclear power plants, for example, use 20 times more water than solar panels. Solar panels do not create any noise as generators do and this is very appealing to homeowners living in the suburbs or small residential areas. You and your neighbors have peace of mind without disruption!
Solar Panels installed and in use on the roof of a home

It reduces your energy bill

Apart from reducing the carbon footprint, homeowners opt for solar panels because it works out a lot cheaper per month than staying on the grid. Generating your own electricity means that you are not depended on the city for power, so you are using fewer resources from the power supplier. You will find that your energy bill can be reduced significantly when you switch to solar energy. You can also make money by selling extra energy you have back to the grid. The more energy you produce, the more self-reliant your home will be. Initially, the installation of solar panels might cost you a few dollars more than other energy installations, but it is an investment that will return in the long run.
Energy Meters

It will help with electricity usage during peak hours

During certain times in the day, more electricity is used which places a huge load on the grid. The electricity is usually more expensive when used during peak times. By using solar panels in conjunction with the electricity you get from the grid, you are less dependent on the grid for electricity usage. This means that you save money during peak hours when it is more expensive.
Energy Grid

Improves grid security

The more people invest in solar panels, the less electricity the grid must supply. This means that there will not be as much pressure on the grid to produce electricity which in turn means fewer blackouts during peak hours. A grid with a high penetration of solar energy has hundreds of energy production points that are widely spread out. In the case of a natural or human disaster, the grid will not be as vulnerable, and it will be more secure in supplying electricity to the neighborhoods.
Solar Workers

Job creation

Installing solar panels is rarely a DIY project. You need professionals to install it for you and this is usually a big job. The more people use solar panels, the more companies will have to provide the panels, and the more jobs will be created. More and more people will have to be trained and employed to install solar panels to meet the demands. This way, solar panels and solar energy contributes to a healthy and sustainable economy. A sustainable economy positively affects everyone, and you are saving the environment in doing so.
Solar Panels

Solar energy can be installed and used everywhere

Solar panels can be installed anywhere, and it can work as long as there is sunshine. This is a particularly useful option for remote regions where their access to proper infrastructure like electricity is limited. There are many people all over the world without electricity simply because they are not connected to a grid. With solar panels, they can independently get electricity for their day-to-day lives. Solar energy is also popular in holiday areas around the coasts because it is used to power up boats. Companies are also using solar panels to power modern space crafts.

Solar panels are becoming a vital part of our future. The sun is not dying out any time soon but electricity supplies all over the world are under severe pressure as we demand more and more from the grid. It is better to switch to a more sustainable source of energy before the pressure becomes too much and we are left in the dark.

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Radon Detection: What Homeowners Need to Know

Radon Detection: What Homeowners Need to Know

Radon Detection: What Homeowners Need to Know

Very few homeowners know what radon is and what radon detection entails. It can become a huge problem if it is not detected and treated as soon as possible. Radon is a colorless radioactive gas and it is produced by decaying uranium.

The problem with radon is that it does not give off any odor which means that it is tricky to detect its presence in your home. The only way to know if your home has high levels of radon is by conducting a radon test. Radon testing is the best way to identify radon and reducing the levels in your home.

Radon Mitigation

Why is radon gas a problem?

Radon gas is not a problem in itself – there are traces of radon in the air we breathe but experts say that the quantities are so small that it is not harmful to humans. The problem, however, is when the gas is trapped in the home and the homeowners are exposed to it over the long-term. High levels of radon can cause lung cancer because of its radiation qualities. According to statistics, radon exposure kills about 21,000 Americans every year. There have been reports of young people getting lung cancer without smoking one cigarette throughout their lives.
Radon Gas

How does radon get inside the house?

The most predominant place radon is found is in soil and this is how the gas moves into the home. It can seep directly through the pores of the concrete into the house but it can also enter through weak spots in walls and floors where there are gaps. It does not matter how old, how new, how big, or how small your house, any type of house can have elevated radon levels. It is dependent on the interaction of the soil with your house. You might have high radon levels in your home but your neighbor won’t. The only way to determine whether your house is poisoned with radon is to do radon testing.
Protect Home From Radon

How do you test a home for radon?

A radon test is most effective and most accurate when it is done in an area that is regularly used for 8-10 hours a day. You can do three different types of tests:

  • Long term: Long term radon tests measure radon levels from 90 days to a year. Most make use of alpha particle tracking which gives a more accurate indication of the year’s average levels. The levels of radon in your home can vary from day to day and month to month. It is sensitive to changes in air pressure, wind, soil moisture, and snow cover which traps radon gasses. State radon agencies and online retail shops stock long-term radon testing kits.
  • Short-term: Short term radon tests are useful to see whether further testing is needed. Most short term tests use activated charcoal or an electret ion methodology. This test measures radon for 2 to 7 days and the results are mailed to a lab. These tests are available at home centers and hardware stores.
  • Continuous: Continuous tests can be used at any time and it works well for short and long term radon testing. It consists of a digital meter that is plugged into a standard outlet and the reading gives you a running average every day.
Radon Map

How do you lower the levels of radon in your house?

Once you have determined the levels of radon in your house, there are a few things that you can do to reduce it. Start by doing small and easy repairs around the house. Anywhere you see gaps or holes or cracks can be an entry point for radon gas. Caulk foundations and construction joints should be treated with polyurethane caulk. If you have a sump pump, ensure that the cover you have is airtight (but that you are still able to access the sump). Cover soil in crawl spaces with polyurethane plastic sheeting consisting of a minimum thickness of 6mm. Ensure that this is tightly attached to the wall. You can try sealing concrete but this has proven to be more of a temporary solution.

If your levels are low, these might not make a huge difference but it will help if you have high levels of radon gas in your home. You can also consider using a radon mitigation system if you are concerned but it can cost you a few thousand dollars, depending on the severity of the situation. Radon mitigation involves ventilating the home by using PVC piping to draw the gas from the soil and out of your house.

If your home has radon poisoning you must act immediately but it is equally important that you remain calm. The risks of radon poisoning occur over a long time and are cumulative. This is why regular testing has to occur and action is taken.

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