How sensitive are fire sprinklers?

How sensitive are fire sprinklers?

How sensitive are fire sprinklers?

How sensitive are fire sprinklers?

So how sensitive are fire sprinklers? Whether you are staying in a hotel with a fire sprinkle or you have a fire sprinkler in your home, you must be aware of its effects.

It’s easy to take for granted simple protection and prevention devices such as fire alarms and fire sprinklers. But these devices, most especially fire sprinkles have high sensitivity.

As a homeowner or hotel owner, you may need to understand what fire sprinkles do and how sensitive they are so you won’t use them to your disadvantage.

What is Fire Sprinklers?

Fire sprinklers are devices that trigger the flow of water whenever a fire breaks out. It is commonly placed on the ceiling and is installed by groups. In a nutshell, it is composed of a system of piping that is sometimes connected to a fire alarm system. When a fire breaks out and the fire alarm sets off, the fire sprinkler automatically releases water to attempt to put off the fire.

Do not mistake the fire sprinklers with the smoke detector. Oftentimes, a smoke detector can set off the fire alarm when smoke from anything that is burning or even from a cigarette reaches the sensor. However, smoke is not enough to set off a sprinkler.

However, because smoking is now prohibited in most public buildings modern smoke detectors are more sensitive than models from years past. In more advanced buildings and structures, when the smoke detector detects smoke in the vicinity, it also triggers the sprinkle.

How do Fire Sprinklers Work?

A fire sprinkle is a small device attached to the ceiling. It has a small glass bulb containing a heat-sensitive liquid or the less common fusible metal link. Once a fire heat reaches this part, it triggers the sprinkle head to release water.

While it doesn’t pour out a pail of water, it releases water like a rain shower. Ordinarily, it is fast enough to put off a developing fire. For example, the most common sprinkler you can find in your local hardware store is the one with red glass. This device will activate when the temperature reaches 155 degrees Fahrenheit.

Can Vapor from e-cigarettes set off the fire sprinkler?

Unfortunately, no. As you may be aware, e-cigarettes can produce vapor like other devices such as vapes. While they can trigger a smoke detector and the fire alarm, the vapor itself is not enough to set off the fire sprinkler.

In the case of ionization smoke detectors, the alarm is triggered when particles disrupt the flow of electricity. On the other hand, optical smoke alarms activate when particles scatter an infrared light beam.

With this capability of smoke detectors and fire alarms, it is highly advised to not place them in areas where you usually smoke. Some of the places where you should not put a smoke detector are in the bathroom or kitchen.

Having said that, vaping or smoking an e-cigarette is not enough to trigger a fire sprinkler.

How much fire can trigger a fire sprinkler?

Fire sprinklers are designed to be quite sophisticated. While they are sensitive to fire, it usually requires between 155-165 degrees Fahrenheit before they can release water.

Moreover, the sprinkler heads are activated individually. That means, if there is a fire in your room, only the sprinklers in your room are activated. The rest of the fire sprinklers around your home will not release water.

This particular functionality is important because it prevents further damage to the entire building. In the usual course of business, only one or two sprinklers are needed to successfully contain and extinguish most fires.

Why is it important to have fire sprinklers in my home or establishment?

Fire sprinklers are very important devices that you can install in your home or your establishment.

They can catch flames at the earliest chance possible to prevent them from getting bigger.

While many people believed that fire sprinklers can cause more destruction as water is released from the sprinklers. However, sprinklers can limit the heat and smoke that usually damage a small area of the property.

Moreover, it buys people valuable time to exit the building safely. Sprinklers are a must for bigger homes and buildings. Fire sprinklers are required by government authorities among business establishments.

What are the myths of fire sprinklers?

There are many myths about fire sprinklers, which prevent people from investing in these devices. In this section, we will debunk some myths related to fire sprinklers.

Myth 1: There’s a big risk that fire sprinklers will lead to an accident discharging water and destroying the things indie the home and establishment. The truth is, there are only 1 in 16 million risks of fire sprinklers activating without fire. Ideally, fire sprinklers must detect the presence of fire to set off.

Myth 2: A smoke detector provides enough protection.
There’s no denying that smoke detectors can help warn you of rising smoke. However, it is important that you also have a fire sprinkler in place to protect your home from sudden fire. The best thing about fire sprinklers is that they can set off automatically once there is fire. Before you reach the affected area, the fire sprinklers have already worked their wonders. This is very helpful especially if you have kids in the home. A fire sprinkler can buy you time to get out of the house before everything gets worse.

Myth 3: Residential fire sprinklers are too expensive and will make housing unaffordable.

Home sprinkler requirements are now recommended in all major “model” fire codes to keep homes safe ad secured. While there are majority groups who block the requirements of home sprinklers in homes, they have also spent some millions on the campaign.

What we want to you think is this: While sprinkles can incur added cost during installation, they can also increase the value of your home. Years from now, your sprinklers will still be working well. As homeowners start to look for homes with sprinklers, your home could be a priority choice.

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How to de-winterize Sprinkler System

How to de-winterize Sprinkler System

How to de-winterize Sprinkler System

So how do you winterize your sprinkler system and why do you have to do it? While winter is a time for everything to freeze, springtime means it’s about time to start up your sprinkler systems again.

Warmer weather conditions can make grass and plants wither, which is why you must have your whole sprinkler system working. However, when you do so, you also need to do it right away to avoid damaging pipes and irrigation components.

Today on the blog, we will tackle some steps to ensure that you get your sprinkle system back to work.

Step 1: Slowly open the main water valve to the system

Opening the valve slowly fills the pipes with water. The speed of how you open it matters because if you open them too quickly, the water can put a high surge of pressure on your main lines. The uncontrolled flow of water can instantly damage the pipelines doubling your work and financial liabilities.

If you’re not aware of the valve location, try to look in your basement. You should be able to see piping coming into the home near the ground level. This piping should have a single shutoff valve – this is the valve that we are looking for.

The valve resembles a ball form with a lever-type handle. If you see another large water pipe coming from the ground level, this is probably your home’s main water supply. So don’t touch it because it is not the valve we’re looking for.

STEP 2: Manually Check each zone and activate

We always suggest not making everything rush. Many homeowners who try to bypass the process in de-winterizing sprinklers have encountered issues like pipes breaking or valves malfunctioning.

Since winter can also cause issues to your pipeline, springtime is your best chance to check on these problems. First, verify the proper operation of each station valve. Spot issues in the areas. Some valves may have tilted or sunk.

Also, walk through and check each zone whether they are functioning as they should. Is there a low pressure in your sprinkler system? Then, maybe you have broken a line.

Also check for proper rotation, clogged areas, clogged filters, and poorly performing sprinklers. When you spot some issues, you have to remedy them right away.

Every time you remedy a problem, that is also the perfect time to activate the zone.

Step 3. Reprogram the controller

Reprogram your sprinkler system controller for automatic watering. If you are using a battery, you may need to replace it when needed. It is a good idea to set watering times depending on how much you want to water your plants.

If you are using a sprinkler for your lawn, you can set the timer once during the day and in the afternoon for the whole springtime duration. This is enough to keep your grass green all through the springtime. If you have a larger plantation, you may need to adjust accordingly.

Remember, when the warm weather gets going, will your grass grow rapidly with a sprinkler system. Check your lawn regularly to make sure it receives enough water to keep it healthy. If you have a movable sprinkler, monitor the time when you need to transfer it to water another part of your lawn.

Step 4. Uncover and clean the weather sensors when applicable

Not all sprinkle systems include this component. However, if your sprinkle system has this feature, make sure that it is working effectively. Weather sensors are features in modern sprinkler systems that automatically shut the sprinkle off and stop it from watering during wind, rain, and freezing weather.

This is a very useful tool, especially if you are not always around in your home. That means when the sky suddenly turns gray and the rain starts pouring due to a cyclone or storm there’s no need for you to manually turn off your sprinkle. The sensor itself can spot the weather condition and prevent your sprinkler from watering the grass or plants.

Step 5. Get Ready to Water!

Once you have corrected all the issues in your water sprinkler, it is time to water. First, test your sprinkler and adjust spray patterns.

Keep an eye on the watering for the first time that you have de-winterized it. Make sure everything is working properly.

It is possible that during this time, some caps and damaged sprinkler heads can pop. You probably have not seen them when you checked on them. Even so, you must ensure your sprinkle is 100% de-winterized. When watering, make sure your lawn receives equal water so your plants remain green. Additionally, it is a good idea to soil during Spring. It helps the water and air to reach the root system and keep your plants or grass sturdy and strong amid the heat of the sun.

How To Prevent Sprinkler System Water Hammer

The most important thing to note when de-winterizing your sprinkler system is to turn the water slowly. This prevents “water hammer”, a condition that happens when a sudden change in water pressure escapes from the sprinkler. It occurs when you suddenly turn on the sprinkler and a sudden surge of water comes out.

This water could strike anywhere. Since the pressure is too strong, it could dig a hole in your lawn or even strike you. You will know when the pressure is strong because there is a noise inside your sprinkler, which is the water slamming against the inside of your sprinkler.

You must follow the steps above to ensure safety for everyone in your home, especially if you have a larger sprinkle.

Sprinkler System Maintenance

De-winterizing your sprinkler system is crucial. Since you need to do this every springtime, you must have a caring plan in place. Maintaining your sprinkler system can keep it functioning at its best.

If you do not know how to winterize or de-winterize your sprinkler system, do not hesitate to call out a professional maintenance team to help you. A professional can look after your sprinkler system properly.

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What is a Sprinkler Blowout?

What is a Sprinkler Blowout?

What is a Sprinkler Blowout?

In many areas of the country, the first signs of frost bring about the change in season. This is usually the time when businesses and homeowners start with their sprinkler “blowout” or “winterizing irrigation systems”. This is a process that is essential in areas where the frost level extends below the depth of the installed piping. It is essential for winterizing to occur so that the irrigation systems are maintained and kept intact for the next summer. You don’t want to have a frozen sprinkler system when the temperatures start increasing again.

A blowout is when the leftover water in your sprinkler lines is blown out to prevent it from freezing during the winter. Even if you have drained all the water, there might still be traces of water leftover and when it freezes, it expands and can crack the PVC piping. This means that you will have to install a brand-new irrigation system. It is not necessarily a complicated process but if you don’t do it correctly, it can lead to damage. It is always better to have professionals come out and do the winterizing for you. If you are confident enough in doing it yourself, always make sure that you use the necessary safety equipment and that you are doing it correctly.

Is a sprinkler blowout really necessary?

If you live in areas where it gets very cold and where there is frost or snow expected, then yes, a sprinkler blowout is really necessary. As stated above, water freezes inside the pipes and it can cause damage. An added concern is that the pipes are underground, which means that the added pressure can cause it to burst. This can cost a lot of money to repair and it becomes an eyesore once it is damaged. Sprinkler blowouts are inexpensive compared to replacing your irrigation system which is why it is recommended.

How to complete a sprinkler blowout

A sprinkler blowout is a fairly simple process and even if you are not planning on doing it yourself, it is always useful to know how the professionals do it:

  • Shut off the main water: The first thing you do is you shut off the water running to your sprinkler system. There is no need to shut off the water to your entire house. In your house, there will be a main shutoff and a second shutoff with an air compressor hookup attached to it.
  • Attach the air compressor hose: Secondly, you attached the air compressor to the hookup situated beneath the sprinkler system water switch. Make sure that you have all the converter pieces you need to get the hookup linked to the compressor itself. Then you turn on the air.
  • Set up the system’s running duration: Next you are going to set up the system so that it runs for 4-5 minutes in each zone. Every system is different so it is important to refer to your manual if you need any help.
  • Once you have followed these steps, you will see the sprinkler system outside shoot out any remaining water in short bursts. Let this continue until you hear is air coming out of the sprinkler system. This is how you know that the water has been removed and the sprinkler system is ready for winter. You can then remove the air compressor and release any additional air pressure that may be present.

The do-nots of sprinkler blowouts

There are a few things that can go wrong during this process, even though it seems quite simple. It cannot be stressed enough that you wear eye protection. Unexpected debris might flow out of the sprinkler head and straight into your eyes. Here are a few things to avoid when you commence with your sprinkler blowout:

  1. Do not allow the air pressure to exceed the recommended PSI. The recommended PSI for PVC piping is 80 PSI and 50 PSI for polyethylene piping systems.
  2. Do not stand over parts while the system is pressurized with air. This can cause damage to the system and components.
  3. Do not leave the process to run independently. You need to be present at all times and it cannot be left unattended.
  4. Do not blow the system out through a backflow pump. You should first blow out the system and then drain the pump.
  5. Do not leave manual drain valves open after the blowout. Do a final check to make sure everything has been shut and closed.

Sprinkler blowouts is a vital part of winter preparation and it is very beneficial to the longevity of your irrigation system.

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